
When I got here and when Bro Tariq started telling us the history my mind was completely blown “I was looking for a holiday but I didn’t want to go on any holiday. I wanted something which had some Islamic history and would be of benefit. So when my friend told me about this trip I booked it right away, it was just what I was looking for. I had been feeling down so I thought the retreat side would be perfect just before Ramadan to reconnect.           I had a very small amount of knowledge about Islamic Spain, I thought we would tour a few places of significance. When I got here and when Bro Tariq started telling us the history my mind was completely blown, I had no idea how huge of a part Islamic Spain has played in the world we live in. All the places that we visited and the lesson that we learned were all beneficial. Brother Tariq has a huge wealth of knowledge and this has ignited a passion in me to go and do my own research.          Honestly speaking the retreat side was so not what I expected. Asma made me think really deeply and question myself. Being surrounded by the beauty of Allah’s creation and reminders from Asma Made it so much easier to reflect. I left feeling inspired and reawakened inside. I would 100% recommend this trip to anyone there is so much to learn about the history as well as reconnecting with yourself.”